We Need Your Support

We are asking you to make a tax-deductible contribution to help us support veterans and their families across America. No contribution is too small.

Select Donation Amount



Or mail a contribution to:

Veterans’ Transition Forum
202 Church St., SE, Suite 100
Leesburg, VA 20175

The Freedoms We Enjoy in America are Not Free

The selfless service of America’s Military guaranteed the freedoms Americans have enjoyed for centuries and in the future. The sacrifices Veterans and their families make on our behalf are noble and awe inspiring. They demonstrate true individual giving for the common good. Now you have the opportunity to help them.

The Opportunity

More than one million military veterans have left active military service over the past four years. While much has been accomplished hundreds of thousands remain unemployed. Thousands suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) many have both. Thousands more are homeless including veterans who served in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan.The suicide rate among veterans is higher than the national average for non-vets. This year more than 220,000 active duty service members will transition to civilian life.

A Request

Veterans’ Transition Forum (VTF) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization (EIN: 45-5138922). The services we provide are FREE to all transitioning service members, veterans, members of the National Guard and Reserve Components and their spouses. We conduct seminars and one-on-one counseling with our clients and their spouses. Your tax-deductible donation will allow us to increase and expand our direct​ assistance programs across America! The Freedoms we enjoy in America are not free. They have been and will be paid for by the patriots who have and serving our nation in our military services.