Retirement Resources
You earned your retirement now it’s time to take advantage of your benefits .

The Military to Civilian Transition Guide
The Military-to-Civilian Transition Guide leads the reader step-by-step through the job search process with numerous tips throughout. Over 4 million copies in circulation. Cost: $9.95 plus s/h and tax.

The Military Advantage
From Money to Health Care to Education to Future Careers, The Military Advantage covers them all in detail and much more!
State Military Benefits
You probably know a lot about your federal benefits but do you know your state benefits. provides a directory of state benefits.
Determine Your “BOGEY”
Is your retirement pay going to allow you to maintain your standard of living? We like to describe any shortfall as your “BOGEY”. You may recall from old war movies a “BOGEY” is an enemy plane swooping in on your airplane. It was a target for your gunners to knock out of the sky. By planning ahead, you can eliminate your BOGEY. Use our three-step process to calculate your BOGEY!
Step one: Use the latest or last LES to determine what you are earning now. Be sure to add back any deductions for a TSP or any other deductions you make. Multiply your monthly income by 12.
Step two: Calculating your estimated retirement pay is simplified by using a Department of Defense calculator. Click on the calculator that best represents your situation. All you need to do is enter your specific information and the calculator will provide retirement compensation for the next 36 years.
Step three: Subtract your retirement pay from your final pay. The difference is your shortfall or your BOGEY! Now you can ask yourself if your retirement pay is realistically going to allow you to maintain your standard of living or identify the amount you need to make up through another resource such as a job or owning a business.